Thursday 16 February 2012


Im now 36 weeks!! Lily is so close to being full term now :)

We are very nearly ready for her, we just have her crib to get which will be done this weekend. My mum and Dad are very kindly buying us a pretty little swinging crib. And then everything will be done! 

I have been busy nesting! All Lily's things are now organised into her new chest of drawers, I've cleared out all of my things, and Im doing lots of cleaning around the house constantly! My hospital bag is packed and ready to go!

Getting all of her clothes ready and put away was the most exciting thing. It felt lovely, and made it all so real!

She is getting the hiccups a lot, but her movements otherwise are slowing down, I think because she's running out of room. Every now and again she tries to stretch out and it hurts a lot!! There is just no space!

I can't wait to just get her here now. Im getting lots of aches and pains and braxton hicks, so hopefully she will be on her way really soon!



35 weeks! Getting so close, but Im getting very impatient. I have developed PUPPS, which is a nasty pregnancy rash. Its spread all over and is SO ITCHY it drives me insane!!!!! Im finding it difficult to sleep or get comfortable at all with it, it's horrible! There is no way to get rid of it, it goes a week after giving birth, so I'm even more desperate to get Lily Belle here!

We had our first antenatal class too, which was really interesting. It's made it all hit David a little more too and scared him! haha, but we're both so excited :)



I'm now 33 weeks!! Lily Belle is 4/5 engaged :) I'm feeling much better with my anaemia, but if I forget an iron tablet I feel rubbish again quickly, so I'm reliant on them now. I've started being sick again which is a pain, my stomach doesn't have any room anymore so I just have to be careful with eating small portions.

We have also got lots of shopping done for her things in the January sales, so we're gradually getting ready for her arrival! Its so exciting!!



31 weeks... this week I finished work! I only had a temporary contract at the body shop, and although I was given the chance to renew my contract, it was easier for the contract to end now and I possibly go back once Lily is born. I would like to apply to be a teaching assistant in schools though, so fingers crossed I wont be going back!

It was Christmas when I was 30 weeks. Lily was spoilt and she's not even here yet! She got a toy mouse from her Grandpa & Jo, a box of keepsakes from Granny & Grandad , a blanket from Auntie Magali & a sleeping bag from Nanny Gill. 

My heart is fine, all the tests came back clear, and my anaemia is improving, so I'm feeling much better than I was. My main issue now is bruised ribs, little Lily has given them a good kicking, which is really sore! But my bump is dropping as Lily has started to head into my pelvis already, which is making them comfortable :)



I'm going to upload a few posts at once, to get this blog up to date, as it's so far behind! I have really neglected it. Oops.

At 26 weeks... very round! And I got a bit of shopping done at this stage too, her things were starting to come together :) we bought her a pretty baby book too to record everything!